Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Someone help please??? problems with env2 for over a week and i really need a working phone!?

About a week ago I was moving out of my apartment and into a new house and somewhere along the line my enV must've got knocked around too much or something because the inside screen stopped working. So, I decide to buy a new one. I buy an EnV 2. I activate the new phone with my number and it worked for about 20 seconds before it started to freeze up and wouldn't let me push any buttons or do anything for that matter, it just froze. I tried taking the battery out, reprogramming it, tried to do the software update but just froze then too, tried everything it seems like. Nothing worked. So i thought the phone was defective. I returned it to the seller and got a different env 2. This one does the SAME exact thing when I activated it. I took it into verizon and all the lady told me was that it was something to do with facebook and to take facebook mobile off my phone because all the lg phones have been freezing up for the past week because of some glitch. So i was all excited that I finally found my solution, i deactivated my facebook mobile and it STILL does the same thing. Also, to see if the phone was the problem I switched my sisters phone number to mine and put mine on a different one temporarily, and activated hers just fine and it worked on the Env 2 just fine! I put her number back on her phone, tried to activate mine yet another time on the Env 2, and it did the same freeze up thing. I am at wits end trying to figure this out and have been at a loss for a week now. Is there ANYONE out there who knows how to fix this? I don't know what to do. If I got a new number and got rid of my old one would that help at all? I just need this figured out. Thanks in advance for your help!

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