Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It disgusts me how weak and stupid my son is?

Wait for him to grow up and mature it's his life try helping him or being supportive he probably sees you thinking about this and one day will hate you or slit his wrists nobody is a loser just be there for him Its probably a phase that he will get over not many guys try in school and as for sports just cause he doesn't play does not make him a loser

Should I pursue my dream to become an actress, or put it off so I can do a ballet/competitive dance company?

If I were you I would stick with acting. To make it in that business you have to know the right people and apparently you do. So work your butt if with acting and in the end maybe I will be seeing you in a movie one day(:

What is the song in the zookeeper trailer?

its the tv trailer, they play it towards the end of the commercial and its not the flo rida or talking heads song

What Types Of Open Source Software Has Restrictions?

such as it only allows the user to modify the source code for their personal use or only change it and use it for non commercial redistributions???

Whats the name of that new mocasin type shoe?

There are commercials out for them, two guys in front of a green screen saying how soft they are then one guy always cracks a different joke at the end, heard they were soft but forgot their names. Their a type of mocasin

Does anybody's phone randomly turn off? And if so, what kind of phone do you have?

I used to have the verizon juke and this happened all the time. It was a swivel phone. I was young so I didn't bring it up to get it fixed because I didn't realize I could. Now I have a verizon ally which is an android phone with a slide out keyboard and I still have this problem, just not as much. Verizon says its a problem with the network and that it doesn't happen often. My sister has a droid from verizon also and has so many issues with her phone but verizon insists that these problems don't exist. Or they send a replacement phone that has more problems than the original phone. When my contracts up I am so switching to virgin mobile, I hear good things about them.

Verizons $15 doller plan? help.?

okay , so if i had the verizon's 15 dollar plan in January when i first got my backberry and i broke it in February so i had to turn to my old enV touch for a month with out a data plan, and then i got my blackberry fixed and tryed to get the 15 doller data plan again and they wouldn't let me and made me pay 30 dollers for the data plan is that fair ? cause' i just ended up canceling it and went back to my enV touch. what can i do to get it back?

Who is the artist in the new Chase commercial...?

I know the song is "Keep on Keeping On" and this question was asked a few months ago but no one gave an answer! So...I'm re-posing the question. Thanks!

Song from New HBO Commercial?

what is the name of the song from the newest HBO commercial that is advertising all the new seasons starting?

Switch from env3 to droid 1st gen with same or no data plan?

I have the $10 data plan on my env3 with verizon. My friend sold me his old droid, is there a way that I can just transfer my data to the droid with the same data plan, or just use the phone for talk/text and upgrade to a data plan later? The firmware on my env has been acting up and I was able to get the droid dirt cheap. Its a great phone and Id like to be able to use it.

Military pay is very low?

why is the military pay so low?i want to join the military to serve my nation and have the pride of serving my nation. But you can only go so far with pride we all need money too. I was checking the pay grades and an E1 earns 17k thats like on the poverty line. E9 makes like 86k about what my dad makes and he never went to high school. E1 earns less than a custodian. Which is kind of crazy considering E1's go to war and should be payed more than a janitor for defending us.

Looking to get a new phone from Verizon, not sure what?

I want to get a new phone but of course there are so many different options. Which phone from verizon should I get?? I'm looking at the Droid X or even the I-phone. I have the Env 2 right now but I'm looking for something different. Anyone have either of these phones or any other phone they really like that is good?

What is the name of the song played in this commercial?

That commercial made by Carls Jr about the robot that cant eat the food? Machines cant eat it, machines shouldn't make it. what is the song played during this commercial. Thanks

How can I get more exposure/fame?

I am 16. I am a model. I am going to start doing more nation-wide jobs, and I'm getting a lot more into acting and commercial work. I would like to one day have fame/exposure. I already have a tumblr, facebook page, and site. How else could I draw more exposure?

How can I get more exposure?

I am 16. I am a model. I am going to start doing more nation-wide jobs, and I'm getting a lot more into acting and commercial work. I would like to one day have fame/exposure. I already have a tumblr, facebook page, and site. How else could I draw more exposure?

How can i gain weight at least 7 pounds?

On commercials they allways talk about losing weight i want to gain weight i am 14 years old and only 107 pounds and 5 foot five. I don't want to be as skinny....

What Verizon Phone Should I Get?

I am upgrading from the enV Touch. It was a good phone but its on its last leg so i am going to get a new one today but im not really sure if i like any of the new Verizon phones. I am 15, I really am not big into the whole smart phone thing with a million different applications on it. But i don't want an old phone either. I liked the touch screen, but i DO NOT want an all touch screen phone. I am not ready to get rid of my REAL keyboard yet because i hate looking at my phone when im texting so i really like to just feel where the buttons are. also, ive seen some of my friends' new phones, they have the wifi and games and all that. I really don't care about that stuff so much since my mom really doesn't have the money to pay for another data plan thing. but anyway, i think going on facebook and playing games would be fun but really i just want a cool phone that is easy to text on and it has to have a good camera too!!! i really need a new phone but they all look like they are little computers for business men when im just a teenage girl! the features on the new "smart phones" look cool but i am hesitant because i feel like they have a ton of things on there that i will never use

Which degree would lead to more steady employment?

Not sure about the money.. you have to do it for the love first the money second. That would follow. However.. I do know. Environment is HUGE. With all the disasters happening that is a big hot area. I would personally go to become an Environmental Lawyer.

Looking for a program to recognize text in photos?

for any os (ubuntu best) my old env touch could do this, i want to copy the text from some books and papers

Who has the deficiency in reason in this situation?

It sounds like terrible parenting and treatment at school. It would be best if you don't dwell on it, since clearly you came through with a good mind. Leave all that behind and make your own better way. Good luck.

How can a high school dropout get into university?

There is a thirty some year old janitor who wants to go to university to become a physicist that I know. How can this be done? Apparently he is quite intelligent, but left early because of a drug/family problem. Is there anyway that he can return to higher education, even become a professor of physics?

Hmmm???? I need help about my cell phone!?

So I have an LG EnV 2 and I need help because my phones keyboard is falling off in parts where it was glued so I need to know if they can still fix it because they dont make it anymore or will they let me pick a phone like it was my new 2yr contract. My contract doesnt end until December 21st

How can I get more exposure?

I am 16. I am a model. I am going to start doing more nation-wide jobs, and I'm getting a lot more into acting and commercial work. I would like to one day have fame/exposure. I already have a tumblr, facebook page, and site. How else could I draw more exposure?

Should I get rid of my iPhone for a non smartphone to save money?

I have an iPhone 4 with family plan with my wife. She has Droid X. We are thinking of downgrading. It will be $110 a month instead of $170 a month. I use e-mail often and don't really need wi-fi. I heard the ENV Touch was a great non-smartphone. Will it still be fast? Will I be happy with it? Is it worth it? I will also be getting $328 in the form of a check for my iPhone 4. Please help, any advice is appreciated.

US Army 11B question?

I'm thinking about enlisting in the Army in about a year or so and was wondering what I would actually be doing as an Army infantryman. I want to get 11B infantry and a slot in an Airborne unit however I heard as an 11B your basically a glorified janitor. I heard that you clean the halls, pick up trash and clean up dirt. I just want to know if I'm an Airborne infantryman in an Airborne unit will I actually get deployed and fight the enemy and use the infantry skills I learn in OSUT and Airborne school or will I just sit around all day cleaning and being a janitor. I know war isn't like videogames and movies however I would like to deploy and fight and do what I actually trained for.

What is a goood verizon phone?

the enV touch is a great phone !! a million times better then the en2 but i dont know if its still sold, i would say go with the droid 2

How do i get myself out of this?

That sucks, all i can say is get a friend to back you up say you had the money and when you left it was gone and it was in the envolope, ask your friend to help.

Would being a janitor be a turn off to my boyfriend?

I'm trying to look for a part-time job since I'm a student in college. Janitors make more money and the hours are flexible and no weekends. Waitresses on the other hand have crappy schedules and work the weekends and make less depending on tips. Would it be a turn off that I work as a female janitor? Would that be a turn off to any guy?

What do I need to know about septic tank maintenance?

I'm buying my first house and it has a brand new septic tank. Growing up I always had town sewer. What do I need to know about maintenance? How often does it need to get pumped? How often should I use stuff on the commercials (don't remember name- rid x?)

Should I cut my mom off for this?

I’m in my mid twenties and I’m not petite, nor fat, nor anywhere around obesity at all. I’m just a little curvy. Picture the women in the Haynes commercials. Well, that’s me except for a smaller stomach. I have curves that I’m very proud of and wouldn’t trade for anything. After all, in my opinion, that’s one of the things that makes a women right? Well, not in my mother’s eyes. She is very petite for her size. She’s all about appearance really. And she is constantly getting on me about my weight. In high school I use to be a little skinnier (no hips or breasts) and she wants me to be like I was (as she remembered me to be). At first I paid her no attention. After all it’s like I said. I wasn’t anywhere near fat at all. Just curvier. But then she started to do and say things. Once she told me when we were having a talk that she was embarrassed of me as her daughter whenever I came around her and her friends. She asked me how I would feel if she was like me and she came around me and my friends. I burst out into tears toward the harsh comment. Then she hugged me and apologized when I was trying to push her away for such a comment. But this is just the tip of the icing. She says other things. She said she would buy me a car but I had to lose the weight she requires first. She tries to bribe me in many ways. It’s so bad that if I’m in the kitchen and she comes in, I have to hurry and hide whatever I am fixing so she doesn’t say anything to me. At one point I was so depressed I completely STOPPED eating for like a week and on the 5th day she came to me and was like “you look good. Whatever your doing is working.” I told her I wasn’t eating and she was like “keep it up”. Every day she asks me the same question. Are you working out? She explains to me that I need to look good because I’m still single and no guy wants a girl like me. She tells me guys want skinny girls. I tell her that these things hurt my feelings but she doesn’t listen nor care. Because a couple of days later she is back to doing and saying things. This has sadly changed our relationship over the years. Lately it’s been bad and my boyfriend wants me to say something or he will. I tell him you can’t change a person and told him I was moving out. But he doesn’t think that will help sense she will call and I will still see her once in a while for Holidays. I don’t know what to do. I love my mother but being around her is KILLING my self esteem. I find the more time Im with her the more time I come down on myself for the way I look and this causes me to stay in and not want to be seen by others because of what she puts in my head. What to do? 

Are (brush/texture/etc.) "freebies" really free?

I have found lots of "freebies" (brushes/textures/etc.) on design websites/blogs that say they are free for personal and commercial projects. They usually link to texture websites, brush websites or deviantart pages. However, after downloading one I read the "readme" and it said it was non-commercial. So, who do I trust? The design blog? Or the author?

Which is a better job. Being a waitress or janitor?

I am at my community college and am looking for a part time time. I would like a job where the pay's good and it's flexible. I want to work evenings only and no weekends. Which is the better job?

Should i have asked him to watch it with me?

I was at this guys house (alone, he took me there after he picked me up at my house. He was going to take me to church but I asked him to pick me up early). We were watching T.V. together and a commercial for Bad Teacher came on. He mentioned, "a lot of people told me that movie was really fun. i kind of want to see it." so i said that i wanted to see it too. He did the same for Transformers 3. Should i have asked him to watch it with me? i already know that he kind of likes me even though hes a senior in high school (going to college) and im a freshman (going to be a sophomore in high school). But, he hasnt tried making any moves on me even though i know he's liked me for a while. Is it because im too young? or is it because he doesnt want a high school girlfriend? Or is it cuz hes leaving in august? (sorry for all of the questions)

Why does my phones screen keep flickering?

i just got it in the mail yesterday and so far every day the screen flickers at random for about 10 minutes and then i can use it with no problems. its an lg env touch if it matters.

How to get ringtones onto my EnV 2?

Is there some way I can take songs from my itunes account that I already bought and turn them into ringtones, or just get ringtones? Thanks for all answers in advance!

Is LG going to make an enV touch 2?

I was just wondering if LG is going to make new additions to there enV series like an enV 4 oor an enV touch 2

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Can anyone be educated to any level?

Take someone who is a doctor right now, and someone who is a janitor. Did they have the same chance starting out? Could the janitor have been educated to the level of the doctor, provided the right circumstances? Or are some people just wired differently?

My battery wont stay in my phone EnV touch?

the little thing that keeps the bettery in the phone. (the little thingy you pull back and the bettery comes out).. is their any way i can replace it or do something to make it stay

Does this sound like a fairytale??? do you think we will last?

alright so i've been dating this guy for 8 and 3/4 months right?? and then i took a break with him one day... during school.. but it didn't really work out because we ended up kissing in the janitor's closet @ school lol... and then i broke up with him about a week ago because we just fought sooo dang much... and then we started texting... we both knew we still loved eachother.. not LIKE... but LOVE... big difference... and then he told me he was going to vacation in missouri... I LIVE IN FREAKING MINNESOTA and wudnt see him for a whole other week... and we were still single... so i made a lie and told him that i was going to a modeling audition (im a model btw) and that i got him a gift... i told him i dropped him off at his house on my way there... i called him on my way to his house... but he didn't know that i was going to secretly come over to his house... so while i was on the phone i told him i hid the gift in the corner of his garge... he turned around on the fone and said that it wasnt there.. and saw me... then i said "i had to say goodbye" then we hugged... and talked a little.. then we kissed... bst kiss ever btw.. and then he asked me out again... we both promsed... no matter wat... to not fight so much and to stay together forver. fairytale? will we last? also for valentines day we were in a hotel for a basketball tournament and then i hear a random knock on my door and there's my boyfriend with a card, the manager, and the boss of the hotel... the boss was holding a plate with a silver thing over it..and the manager had 24 pink n red roses... and then i opened the silver hting and there was a whilte gold bracelet and engraved was "elizabeth". my name haha.

My env touch keeps clicking the calll button on the outside?

when I leave my env touch closed, it clicks the calls button and butt dials people. I have started to delete my calls but it gets really annoying how it always clicks and goes "all call history empty" i cant get a new phone so i need a way to fix it.

Do you think EMT's, Firefighters, Trashmen, or even Janitors for a police station smoke marijuana?

Tell me why or why not. Forget the illegal part. Not everyone lives by whats legal. Some like myself, live by whats moral.

Do you like this phone?

i have that phone. it sucks. it freezes up all the time, the keyboard is tiny, battery life sucks. just get a different phone.

What's the deal with Verizon's Pantech Crux?

the octane, chocolate touch, and dare are really good phones that dont require the data package either

New phones that are like the env touch?

so i am looking for a phone and if i get one it will be my first. and i realy like the env touch but they dont sell that anymore. as i was looking yesturday i saw one that looked like it tell me some new non pre owned ones i want brand brand new ones never used before like that. thanks bye.

Help finding an older country song?

I'm not much for country music and thats why I'm probably having such a hard time finding this song. I remember seeing it on a commercial one day, it was one song as a part of some kind of country love song soundtrack with various artists on it? I'm pretty sure it was a martina mcbride song but I'm not 100%, It showed part of a music video of hers and it had a pure white background..perhaps lol, its been a long time xD and it was..a happier song? like..energetic sort of haha I dont know. It isnt that old a song, like in the 2000's or late 1990's? I'm not sure, I really dont remember. Any help would be appreciated (:

What commercial is it?

All I remember is that there was a couple in a house and they were walking, they would step onto the wall and the camera would turn and then the wall would become the floor. Thank you :)

EnV lg Touch phone: Screens went black, but phone is still on?

If it's still not under warranty or she does not have insurance than I'm afraid she is probably out of luck. I am in my 23 month of a two year contract with Verizon and I am on my fourth LG touch screen phone with this last one being an enVTouch. As far as I'm concerned The LG touch screen phone are not worth a ....! The other three phones were LG Dares and all four phones had the exact touch screen problems. None of these phones lasted for more than just a few months. Nowhere near their supposed one year warranty. After the last one failed LG Electronics would not give me a replacement unless I paid for it. To me that was unacceptable because none of the phone that I had lasted little more than a few months; much less a year. I informed them that I would never buy any kind of an LG product again and would tell anyone I know to take their business elsewhere. ( Like they really care). I contacted Verizon and they would not help to resolve the situation. So I sent them an E-mail indicating I would be terminating my service with them when my contract expired in June as I am sure that another carrier would be glad to get my business because in the 23 months of this contract they (Verizon) never once had to send me a late notice. Needless to say this got their attention and they were calling me the next day. I did not answer the phone and Verizon just lost a good customer come next month. Sorry to have vented my frustrations to you.

Nothing else to live for.?

I've given up on life I've completely failed high-school I'm a failure that's What life is all about is high-school I got straight F's my parents hate me I started working out a lot I've achieved my goal 160pounds muscular I've improven my self image to the fullest I can get just about any girl I want until she finds out I have no future. I see my classmates pushing on as I am going nowhere society is ****** people say life is hard for people who have a good education as it is and I don't wanna wind up as a 40year old janitor I'd rather die I've been living a fantasy then reality hit me and I can't take it it's time to die I guess this is my last approach for help before I tie a gardening hose around my neck

What is a job where at closing I don't have to clean?

What is a job I can get this summer where at closing they don't make me vacuum or mop the floors? Do large department stores like Boscovs have janitors that do that for them? I'm open to suggestions, thanks.

How much would I pay for an iPhone?

So someone on my account took my upgrade & the next upgrade isn't until December, but my enV Touch is falling apart and I need a new phone. I want an iPhone. My carrier is Verizon. I have seen where the iPhone is $199.99, but I have also seen it is like $600.00. If I was to get one in before my upgrade how much would it cost?

Big animal lovers, does it make you cry all the time and think about this too?

I would recommend fostering those animals in need of a home. You foster them until they get a home (via The Human Society.) Which is a temporary home. You just give them food and water. The humane society will take care of shots, etc. It is an amazing way to help. And you should try one, then you can foster several at a time. Not just dogs, also cats, rabbits, etc.

How do you get into the acting business?

I've always wanted to be an actress but it was just recently that I've REALLY wanted to go for it. the only thing is, I live in Iowa which doesn't have much opportunity to interview for any commercials, tv shows or movies. Do I have to move to L.A. or is there anything I can do? I really appreciate any advice.

Which Verizon cell phone should I get?

Hi. I am due for an upgrade soon to get a new phone from Verizon. I currently have the Env Touch and it is not the best phone. The phone shuts off randomly, restarts itself, and it can not retain its battery life throughout the day. Overall, the phone practically doesn't work but I like the design though. I love the physical QWERTY keyboard and texting is a breeze with it. The virtual keyboard is just as good but I've always liked the physical ones just a bit better. The battery life of a phone is most important to me though. My Env Touch battery is horrible and cannot retain itself throughout the day and sometimes it loses battery life once I turn it on in the morning. I prefer touch screen phones with/without physical keyboard. Also, I am interested in trying a smartphone for my next phone. Thank you for helping me! =)

Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Picture/phone problem?

if your os is broken im not sure if it will connect to your pc ?? you should be able to click a picture then menu then move to memory card. i dont know what your phone will do. so if all you try fails try downloading to your pc an application called power data recovery, it can find even deleted pics etc and recover them. good luck with your phone.

We are going out tonight commercial?

what commercial is it when the bald guy is looking in the mirror and says "we are going out tonight?"

What type of charger does the LG enV, LG Dare and LG Voyager use? Micro USB or mini USB?

they all use micro usb. but that does not mean they are compatible. there are several different shapes of micro usb. probably more than five or around there. I would check with, or, both of which may give you aclose enough picture to zoom in on if thats your concern.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Should I go back and work there again?

if any things happens save that info for a few year down the line,but yea you could go back there say hello and ask him if his wife or girl friend know of any cool places to hang out ,and if he say he don't have one the then you can think of what to say after

Thoughts on Swedish political commercial?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What would be the best verizon wireless phone to get?

I m looking for a phone that can text, call, picture and video, and is not faulty. my enV 3 front screen cracked and now its just white. it also would cut off randomly and got very annoying. is there a phone out there that is has touch screen, wont cut off randomly, and can take a beating

Should I go back and see him again?

Well at least you admit you're a stalker but what makes you so sure he's gay? Judging by your name I'm assuming you're a guy.

Why this day parents turn their look to the side of English Medium private schools for their children?

They spend lot of money. i don't think this private schools are better than government schools since most private schools do the education as a commercial institutions.

How can I get more exposure?

I am 16. I am a model. I am going to start doing more nation-wide jobs, and I'm getting a lot more into acting and commercial work. I would like to one day have fame/exposure. I already have a tumblr, facebook page, and site. How else could I draw more exposure?

Name of the website where you can play classic games?

I remember seeing a commercial way back in like '05. You could play classic Sega games and stuff. Any idea what it was called? If it still exists?

How to make a commercial like google chromes?

I just saw the Justin Bieber one and I was extremely disappointed. All the other ones brought me to tears and i was expecting this to especially but no where close did i. So is there a program that's free that i can use to recreate this so it is worthy to be a google chrome commercial for beliebers? I DO NOT WANT TO MARKET IT I JUST WANT TO MAKE ONE MYSELF TO SHOW FRIENDS AND I WILL NOT BE USING THE SAME VIDEOS THAT ARE IN THE REAL COMMERCIAL. And please, lets be grown up here and only comment if you can help, not rant to the world about how much you hate him and his fans.

Do you need a Class C Driver's License to drive a 26' moving truck?

You're fine with a regular license, as long as you're talking about the rental type trucks from hertz and u-haul. You will have to stop at truck stop weigh stations though. Especially if you're driving cross country on the highways.

My janitor fish is not doing its job well.?

When I released my janitor fish into my tank I expect him to be cleaning the substrate for meal worm left overs and dead fish but instead he started sucking the glass of the aquarium and later found him sucking the roof of the rock cave. Should I get a better scavenger fish like a catfish, a snail or something or just wait till he gets hungry?

I remember seeing an anime movie with a forest spirit who was almost like water, I don't know what its called?

To be honest I never actually saw it, I thought maybe that it was Princess Mononoke but I just watching it and didn't have the character that I'm seeing in my minds eye. I was similar in the feel of the movie so I thought it was by the same creator, but I cant find it their ether. The spirit was a girl no doubt, she was a teal color of greens and blues, he hair flowed like water as she moved about a forest. I think I saw it during a commercial I guess I just want to know if it was something I really saw or my mind just fabricated.

Lowe's commercial that features a bright green boys room with a dinosaur decor. Where can I get the dinosaur?

The commercial is about paint and it is neon bright green. The Dinosaur is hanging or stuck on the wall by the bed. I have looked everywhere...any help is appreciated :)

Is it true that High Fructose Corn Syrup is being renamed "Corn Sugar" On labels?

I saw a commercial and i didn't really understand the concept, then the guy said "your body can't tell the difference, sugar is sugar" Then my sister tells me because all the propaganda and bad rep high fructose corn syrup has their trying to disguise it to make it sound better.

Current trends of MBA Colleges in Hyderabad?

Hyderabad, being the fastest growing commercial and industrial centre in the southern India attracts many MNCs and business houses to establish their offices. This has led to an increase in demand for well qualified managers. Unitedworld understands this need and have tried to produce a new breed of internationally skilled managers.

What kind of jobs can a high school drop out get?

Any kind of job where they hire highschoolers, like grocery stores, movie theaters, and restaurants. Just put up with it and graduate, it'll go by faster than you think and you'll have better job options. You'll regret it later if you don't, plus you can always get a college degree if you decide you want to.

School wont let me take AP exam without course?? :[?

The reason behind not letting you take the AP exam when you did not take the course is because there is not point in taking the AP exam. If you're only using a review book to study for this exam, then you won't be as proficient as someone who takes the course, reviews the material already covered with an AP review book, and taking the AP exam or someone who took the class in college. Skipping it in college will not be worth it since you did not cover the material for a long enough time to be able to understand it fully through long term memorization

Phone from Verizon that has a full touch screen and flips open to a full keyboard?

think theres a blackberry "style" thats a flip, or the one in my pic sony ericsson x10 mini pro touch screen with slide out keyboard, type them in search and check them out.

Should i cut my mom off for this? Please read. Im dying for an opinion?

I’m in my mid twenties and I’m not petite, nor fat, nor anywhere around obesity at all. I’m just a little curvy. Picture the women in the Haynes commercials. Well, that’s me except for a smaller stomach. I have curves that I’m very proud of and wouldn’t trade for anything. After all, in my opinion, that’s one of the things that makes a women right? Well, not in my mother’s eyes. She is very petite for her size. She’s all about appearance really. And she is constantly getting on me about my weight. In high school I use to be a little skinnier (no hips or breasts) and she wants me to be like I was (as she remembered me to be). At first I paid her no attention. After all it’s like I said. I wasn’t anywhere near fat at all. Just curvier. But then she started to do and say things. Once she told me when we were having a talk that she was embarrassed of me as her daughter whenever I came around her and her friends. She asked me how I would feel if she was like me and she came around me and my friends. I burst out into tears toward the harsh comment. Then she hugged me and apologized when I was trying to push her away for such a comment. But this is just the tip of the icing. She says other things. She said she would buy me a car but I had to lose the weight she requires first. She tries to bribe me in many ways. It’s so bad that if I’m in the kitchen and she comes in, I have to hurry and hide whatever I am fixing so she doesn’t say anything to me. At one point I was so depressed I completely STOPPED eating for like a week and on the 5th day she came to me and was like “you look good. Whatever your doing is working.” I told her I wasn’t eating and she was like “keep it up”. Every day she asks me the same question. Are you working out? She explains to me that I need to look good because I’m still single and no guy wants a girl like me. She tells me guys want skinny girls. I tell her that these things hurt my feelings but she doesn’t listen nor care. Because a couple of days later she is back to doing and saying things. This has sadly changed our relationship over the years. Lately it’s been bad and my boyfriend wants me to say something or he will. I tell him you can’t change a person and told him I was moving out. But he doesn’t think that will help sense she will call and I will still see her once in a while for Holidays. I don’t know what to do. I love my mother but being around her is KILLING my self esteem. I find the more time Im with her the more time I come down on myself for the way I look and this causes me to stay in and not want to be seen by others because of what she puts in my head. What to do?

*POSSIBLE SPOILERS* What do you think of Sucker Punch?

The plot and acting was pretty lame, but the action sequences and special effects were insanely awesome. Also, as was stated, the music accompanies the sick action sequences, which amplifies its intensity. (Did that make sense?) Hmmm, anyways, I think everyone should definitely see it because it does have its positive aspects, as long as you don't mind being dumbed down by its weak plot

What does it mean to dream that you need a phone?

so a week ago i dreamed about the end of the last day of school and going to a pool party. so i needed to carry some heavy bags onto the bus and everyone was on the bus already, so when i went up to my locker to get my stuff, i went back out, and the bus was gone. two of my friends came back to me and they where life "why didnt you go?" i said because of the bags and they understood. so then they hid off to the side somewhere and left the dream for a bit while i join this group that was for people that needed phones. then we all ran into the school to borrow the school phone, but some red light flashed and some janitors where locking down the school. they said that no one can go in so we couldent use a phone. then my friends came back into the dream and one of them gave me their phone. its so weird. what does it mean?

Hi! Could you please help me find a movie about a frontal lobe brain injury.?

There is a film I saw long time ago about a teenager who suffered an accident (I am not very sure), but the fact is that he had a frontal lobe injury. The film is about his life an his implication in a robbery at the bank where he was working as a janitor during the night. Please help me find the title...

Is the Altador Plot still playable on Neopets?

Hi, you have to click the very middle of the sun. Inside the circle of it. Then it should take you to a page that says continue. Good luck!

Where can i get an env 1!?

i had the lg env 1 from verizon a while ago and i lost it, i LOVEDD that phone and i'm trying to find a cheap one online in orangeee

Ubuntu security question?

viruses are not a issue on linux.there are none in the wild currently .the only way to trash ubuntu currently is to surf as root then download a malicious .deb file and then agree to infect yourself.of course its possible simply because as secure as ubuntu default settings are if one is stupid then watch out.i don't like computer janitor.bleachbit is much better.ubuntu has no registry so i use bleachbit to clear the cache and wipe out history and cookies.another bad habit on ubuntu is allowing remote log in.just inviting a hack job.use strong passwords and change them once in awhile.if your not behind a good router then enable ufw firewall.

Can I activate a env touch on sprint?

I've been surfing the web and many people have said it is possible and that they have done it before.....and then there are some that say it isnt.....? help pleasee!

How can I get a new cell phone?

I just got the lg cosmos touch about 4 months ago... and i hate it! I want to get a new one.. maybe the lg env 3... but how can i tell them i hate my phone and need a new one? and how much would it cost? please help!!

If ufos appeared near me, would they cause panic?

I didn't read all of that cause it was too hard and a bit confusing with all the caps...But yes they probably would.. I saw a UFO up really close early one morning..It was hovering above some trees and made no sound at all..It was round and had orange lights all around the middle of the craft and was the size of three houses.. I thought that seeing a UFO would never scare me but when i did get to see one up close it was terrifying!!!.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

College, depression, excitement, & what to do?

I'm starting back to school on July 12 to get my Associates in Applied Sciences, studying Massage Therapy & Natural Healing. I'm way excited & happy about this, but I am starting to feel "weepy", like crying at sad parts of movies, happy/sweet commercials, etc. I'm having trouble getting to sleep until after the sun comes up & then I'm sleeping till 2 in the afternoon. I think it's all caused by the stress (good stress) of going back to school, but I need to get in in check before school starts. Any advice on what to do, how to cope with this weird sleeplessness/weepiness? I do not want to go to the doc & get meds, I don't like them & there's risk of addiction & you have to come off them slowly, etc I just really want to be able to get thru this naturally. Thanx for your help :)

What phones can I upgrade to?

I have Verizon and my 2 year contract has been up since August, but for some reason my mom is just now agreeing to get me a new phone. I currently have an env2. What phones can I upgrade to now that would be free? I really wanted the env touch, but I no longer see that as an option on the Verizon website.

What is the song in the new Ugly Americans commercial?

I've seen it play on Comedy Central recently- it's the commercial where that demon girl is eating someone and says "Mmm my first Croatian... hmm tastes like Serbian." It's techno with a dirty electro-bass sound. I HAVE TRIED LOOKING EVERYWHERE! Any help is appreciated :]

Hey i was watching the new HBo commercial for summer 2011 and wonder what the song .?

it start out like these babe i am a storry that could break the mold... always something new. if some one could tell me who sing these song i would be greatfull

Anyone who knows verizon phones?

I have the intensity 2 and I hate it. I wanna switch back to my env touch but the battery life suckss. And I'm not paying for a new battery. Which one should I do?

Im so stressed out about school?

Wow. Im so srry. I had this problem at school with a math teacher. He was such an as*whipe! He would let me explain anything or wouldn't wanna explain anything to me either. Get your principle involved and tell him/her exactlyyyy what you said in this yahoo page. Maybe they'll transfer your class to a better teacher. Tell them if they transfer you , you would make a huge change and watch how you'll get an A with no problem. Im srry and goodluck!!!

I dropped my env touch in the toilet.. help!!!?

so like a half an hour ago i dropped my phone in the toilet i grabbed it out but while it was in the tiolet the screan was still on. after i took it out i took the battery out and it is now in rice is there anything i can do and how long do i keep it in for, and i have anouther battery so should i put that battery in first and turn it on.. i just need help.. when i took the battery out the inside part that faces the phone when you put the battery in wasnt wet, if that means anything...ugh please help!!!:/

Can someone find the perfect Verizon cell phone for me?

LG Octane is similar to the ENV's but my husband has it and no problems. He only calls and texts. Has 3.2mp Camera, Video, Qwerty, good battery life

Where can I buy the enV touch?

I want to ask for the enV touch for my birthday but I'm not sure if they sell it in stores... So my question is if they do sell it in stores what stores? And if not then what place online could I get one that isn't used? Thanks.

What is the song on the new Chevy commercial?

It shows a black women driving and pulls up to a house where a guy opens the window....That's all I remember haha.

What are the necklaces mermaids are said to have worn?

the necklace like the one the janitor, Leonard, found that belonged to auquamarine in the movie "aquamarine"

Movie featured in IFC commercial?

There was a commercial for IFC and in the commercial they showed scenes from movies which I am familliar with, but there was one scene where a man is in bed screaming and a dark haired woman covered in blood laying is next to him. It's a white bedroom and the actor has black hair and for some reason reminds me of Kramer from Seinfeld. I'm assuming the movie is from the eighties or nineties because the quality didn't look modern.

I having zombie apocolypse dreams ?

Dont Worry I Have Then Too . But Its Wierd Cause In My Dream I Was In A Freakin Tower Climbing Up When I Went Across An M16 And i Though -Greatt A Three Round Burst --__-- - But I Took It And Started Shooting Untill A Crawler Ripped My Leg Of And I Bleed Out . ._. But Im Not Sure . Have You Seen A Zombie Movie Or played To Much Nazi zombies lately ? Lol xD .

"Damaging" my LG enV touch..?

I bought my LG enV touch before the data pak was required, and am eligible for a new phone. If I somehow 'damaged' my phone, would they just give me a new phone, or the same phone, And if they gave me a smartphone as my replacement, would they make me pay the fee??? Thanks,

What is the "Almighty Cloud"?

In the new T-Mobile commercial where the people "carry the internet" around with them the kid says something about the "Almighty Cloud". What is that?

Transfer a verizon phone? ?

ive done thing many times! you dont have to go in or call anyone all you have to do is dial *228 (i think thats the number) and follow the steps it takes less than 5 minutes!!

Transfering a cell phone to prepaid?

I have got an lg env touch cell phone that was given to me but i use the prepaid plans from verizion and my prepaid phone sucks so im wondering would i be able to use my prepaid plan with the lg phone? Both are from verizon

Animal cruelty punishment !?

It's a crime. He has no good reason for killing the seagull. Please report him to the principal. Kids watched him, so you have witness, and little kids almost never lie so you have concrete proof. Killing an animal in front of a young child is bad because the children will experience watching animal abuse at a young age and this may leave a sign to them that animals can be abused. Of course, teach them the right things afterwards.

Does the env series require a data package?

No. You would just need a normal talk and/ or text plan . (: I had an Env and then an Env3. No data pak.

How do i transfer pics from phone to memory card on env touch 10 POINTS HELP!?

hi, i need to know how to transfer pics on my phone to my memory card, please instruct me on how to do it thank you.

Three 8 yo girls equal big fights. How can I help them learn to get along?

My daughters class had 4 girls. One doesn't like to play with the girls, leaving 3. One is my niece. My daughter and the other girl are both strong willed, assertive girls who want to be the "leader" of the pack. My niece is a girl who is happy to follow. However there can't be two leaders so there is always an odd man out. My daughter has been the odd man out for awhile now and its makign school miserable. When she sits down at lunch, the other girls move. She plays alone at recess becuase it hurts her feelings to be rejected when she asks to play with the others and they say no. Right now her best friend at school just might be the janitor. I've talked to the teacher and she doesn't know what to do about the situation, and I've talked to the mom of the strong-willed girl and she hasn't heard anything about what's going on (probably cause her daughter isn't suffering). What's a mom to do???

Michael Vick gets an award from Subway?

Anne, you do realize that this is old, right? He did go to prison and payed for his crimes, he is now working and making a living...if BET wants to honor him and Subway wants to give him free sandwiches, let them. We have so many more serious issues to worry you know, the economy, people losing their homes, kids going hungry, not being able to afford a Dr...much more important that what Mr Vick did a few years a go...and I dont eat Subway, I prefer Quizno's.

Searching for a song!?

For the past 2 weeks this little tune has been driving me crazy! It in the middle of the commercial for Rango. You can hear it in the background. It's not bullfighter and not love like woe. Very alternative. Music, modern. It's by a band, that's made up of boys. They were the featured artist on MTV's Ten on top 2 weeks ago. I think it was around June 17 before the newest episode was to be aired. It goes Whoa-oh-oh wah-uh oh ohhhhh. And it was in a commercial for Chevy Cruze LS carolina. Please help me!

What is this movie? Any help please?

Its a movie that was on LMN(Lifetime Movie Network), it was about a 12 year old girl named Wendy who stays afterschool for help but she gets raped and beaten by the school janitor, shes in the hospital most the movie? Any help?

First job,read descrirption!!!!?

I am a kid,today will be my first job.Not like,a real job.Just cleaning up at my barbershop.Sweeping I think thats it.How do I wow the barbers to show them Im a good employee.They told me show up anytime,so what time should I go.Should I just go when I get my haircut around 1,2,or3 or should I go in the morning like 10,11,12.Nd how do u use one of those big brooms like janitors,well i think it may be a big mop idk.Anyways best answer quick gets 10 points.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Story short ideas, I need help...?

I have this short story idea about a kid who is staying after school for detention. After detention is over he is heads to the bathroom before leaving the school. In the bathroom he slips and falls on some water and knocks himself out for a few hours. When he awakes he is alone in the school and it is night time. On his way out I want him to see something shady with the janitor. Such as maybe the janitor is dragging a student body down the hall and the kid happens to see it. But this idea sounds kinda of cliche...any better ideas for what he can see the janitor doing?

How can i gain weight at least 7 pounds?

On commercials they allways talk about losing weight i want to gain weight i am 14 years old and only 107 pounds and 5 foot five. I don't want to be as skinny....

When the Wii U comes out, and you are a socalled "hardcore gamer" would you consider this new hardware?

I would consider myself as a hardcore gamer (no particular reasons necessary). However I own a x-box 360, a psp, and PC games. Tell you the truth, after seeing what I've seen and hearing what I've heard (not saying I'm also a commercial gamer or anythng) I am conviced and I am considering in saving up. BTW I also play (not exactly own) the wii as well, and I think it would be a pretty-damn cool experience.

College Email To LG Bliss?

Im going to college next year and i would love it if i could get my email would be sent to my phone. i dont know if the lg bliss does that but do any of you know? and if not what phones to get outside email meaning not hotmail or yahoo or any commercial email?

Thoughts about the LG Vortex? (If you own one.)?

I had an enV touch too and now I have the LG Vortex! I'm probably gonna get an iPhone 4 though and give the Vortex to my mom though. The LG Vortex is a really good phone because it's simple but still runs on Android so it has the cool features. I don't really mind not having a flash but sometimes I wish I did because you can't take pictures at night. The main reason why I love the Vortex is that you can use swype on it and it's really easy to text on. I haven't had a problem with my Vortex yet and it's overall a good phone. Hope this helps:)

Getting music on my phone?

I had the Samsung Reality, but I broke it, so I switched back to my Env2. I still have the charger for the Reality, and I'm using it for the Env2, and I want to get music from my computer to my Env. But I'm not sure how, because the option doesn't show up on the computer. It didn't show up for my Reality either.

Summer locker clean out?

I'm in high school and today is the first day of summer. However, my best friend forgot her bag at my house so on the last day of school I brought it and left it in my locker. She forgot to get it and now all the doors to the school are locked so I cant get in. And this is really important because she had a water bottle of alcohol in it an if its found I'm going to be in so much trouble and it isn't even mine! So my question is when do the janitors usually come in and go through all the lockers to throw things away and will they go into the bag? And when would be the most likely time that the school doors would be open? Please help as soon as possible, I'm really stressed out about this.

Does this emergency room sound incompetent to you?

my 2 year old was screaming that his neck hurts and we found a big black tick in it. Took him to Urgent Care. He screamed all the way there and all through triage. Then we sat in the waiting room for almost 2 HOURS and there was NO ONE ELSE THERE. We saw two Dr.s laughing and chatting in the desk area totally unfazed by the 2 year old that's been screaming his face off. Then his screaming got louder when the damn thing just popped it's head out and tried to crawl away! My husband grabbed it and smushed it. My son puked ALL over me and literally just passed out. We told the nurse at the desk that he conked out, and asked for something to clean the gallon of puke off me and my son. It took her about 20 minutes to find the janitor so that THE JANITOR could go get us some paper towels while we sat there covered in puke. They just laughed at the being-puked-on situation and said someone should be with you shortly. Another hour later we told them we were just going to go home and put him in bed since he didn't have a fever and seemed ok now, just extremely tired. I can't wait to see the $500 bill for the pleasure of wasting our time in the waiting room Oh, and the cost of 25 paper towels. Does this sound like unique incompetence to you or is this normal emergency room behavior?

Do I have a chance of getting into NYU?

Definitely, but why do you have your grades next to each class? All colleges see are the letter grades. NYU is a great school, but nothing like the Ivy Leagues in order to get in. You have a great chance. Don't stress out. I get letters from NYU almost everyday, which goes to show that they are looking for kids to apply.

Could the commercial use of frequency specturms for TV, Radio and wifi be harmful to the planet?

Nobody knows why exactly we have this frequencies and what their NATURAL purposes are so with the introduction of Super-Wifi which uses a lower frequency could there be any potential long-term or even short-term consequences for the planet, especially since their is only a finite amount of frequencies available. Is it wise to high-jack these frequency spectrum's with our communications technology when we still don't fully understand why these frequencies are there and what their natural purpose is.

Where is a cheap place for env touch?

where can i buy a NEW lg env touch that is CHEAP and not a scam. $100 dollars or less would be great but if not no biggy. It is time for a new phone and i really want this phone for verizon. and they dont sell it in stores anymore D:

Would being a janitor be a turn off to my boyfriend?

I'm trying to look for a part-time job since I'm a student in college. Janitors make more money and the hours are flexible and no weekends. Waitresses on the other hand have crappy schedules and work the weekends and make less depending on tips. Would it be a turn off that I work as a female janitor? Would that be a turn off to any guy?

If janitors become the highest paying job in the future, will people stop looking down upon it?

Question: if the world was a better place because everyone became janitors, it would be such a common job, it wouldn't be highly paid, anyway, right? Just saying...

How to get a custodian job?

Well i want to be a janitor at a school but i need to know if i have to take classes and if i do where do i do it and how much does it cost and how long is it and how do i apply for the actual job. I live in california in San Bernardino County if that makes a difference.

Omg!!!!! i finally had a dream but.....?

you were probably tired from your exercises. and while falling asleep, you probably were thinking about your bf without realizing it. try thinking about him before you go to sleep again and youll most likely dream about him. this happens to me a lot. think good thoughts about him and about how happy he makes you. maybe youll have an even better dream?(: haha good luck!

Can a school janitor send me to the office?

I was caught for throwing food and the janitor said if I don't stop he will send me to the office. So I was wondering if he could really send me to the office. So does he have as much authority as the teacher or was he just trying to scare me?

How to apply for a work/student visa?

I have a high school diploma and experience working in hospitals as not going to lie as a janitor/housekeeping. I would love to move to the UK to work and study as well as bring my daughter with me. My daughter is only 19 months old. Anyways going back to my question. I can hardly understand the info given at the UK site that explains how to get a visa to work and study. How would I go about the process of applying for it? Should I go to the UK first as a tourist and then apply for the work/ student visa or should I apply for the work student visa first? Any ideas? suggestion? Anyone that has experience in applying for all of what I ask if you can explain it to me in lol simple English I would greatly from the bottom of my heart appreciate it.

Will you go to jail for stealing a piece of candy?

I had a job as a janitor at a movie theater and one night I noticed the employees had left out some of the candy from concession. I took a bag of skittles and two weeks later, my boss called and said that they had caught it on tape and he fired me. This is undersrandable but then he also told me that the theater was gonna call the cops and prosecute... Seems a little exsessive but should I be worried?

Droid 2, Droid Pro, Droid Incredible or Blackberry Curve 9330?

I'm upgrading my phone soon after having an enV 2 for 2 years. I love it, but I know it's time to upgrade haha. After doing some research, it seemed like some sort of Droid was what I was looking for, but I've heard the battery life is awful, whereas Blackberries have good battery lives. I'd really prefer a physical keyboard, but it's not a necessity (both a physical and virtual keyboard would be ideal!). Battery life is a concern for me; I'm a veryyy heavy texter, but I know that with smartphones now it's just become something you have to deal with, and I'm willing to look past it. I would probably only use Wifi for internet, but I would not use it constantly. Apps are not a huge deal for me, though a solid media phone would be nice. Would really love a nice quality camera. Out of the Droid 2, Pro, Incredible, or Blackberry Curve, which do you think is best? Thanks so much!

Can anyone be educated to any level?

Take someone who is a doctor right now, and someone who is a janitor. Did they have the same chance starting out? Could the janitor have been educated to the level of the doctor, provided the right circumstances? Or are some people just wired differently?

Can someone give me the name of this movie?

I posted this question earlier but now I have more info. A janitor or someone working in a building stumbles upon a box full of old therapy tapes. The movie focuses on what is said in the tapes. 10 pts. for the right answer!

Help! My brother poured a large amount of fish food in my fish tank.?

My older brother doesn't care about fish and when I told him to feed the fish he poured a large amount of food in my tank. When I told him that over feeding is bad he said that it was good so that the fish will be fat. I know that's not true because overfeeding can make my tank cloudy but there is nothing I could do, the food sank into the bottom of the tank and I have no bottom feeder but the janitor fish which is always hiding. My substrate is sand not gravel so its hard for me to clean my tank. I have a filter but it only filter for a short distance and the other food is out of reach. The water is not yet cloudy but I better clean it before it gets cloudy but I'm not gonna put my hands there because the fish might be scared and become stressed. What should I do?

Who's better out of these 4 players?

The Janitor (aka Brian Cardinal), Brian Scalabrine, Adam Morrison or DJ Mbenga? Which of these 4 NBA legends is the best?

I need help with my cellphone carrier.?

Tomorrow I'm probably going to Best Buy.. Well I was wondering if I could buy just the phone and the stuff that goes with it for really cheap and switch my phone *env 3* for the *samsung SCH-U370* on the plan for cheap amount of money! HELP!!!

Can the charger for the first EnV work on the second EnV?

im getting the second generation env (the red) and i used to have the first env (green or grey) . Would the charger for the first env work on the second env?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Does the LG Vortex require a data plan?

Alright so currently I have an Env Touch which I LOVE but I get an upgrade later this month so I've been looking at new phones. I don't want to pay $30/month for a data plan (I'm only 16) and none of the feature phones can hold a candle to my Env Touch. Personally my favorite feature phone out right now is the Cosmos Touch which is a step down in screen size, keyboard size, and camera, so why bother? I looked online and fell in love with the LG Vortex, mainly because it's not overwhelming like the Droids are. My only problem is I've heard from some that it DOES require a $30/month data plan and others say that it DOESN'T. Can I get the phone without paying $30 every month? I would hope to not pay at all for a data plan and only use wifi but I might be able to convince my parents to let me get it if it's only $15/month. NO I DON'T want answers about "awesome" feature phones. Just about whether or not the LG Vortex requires the $30/month data plan, and if it does, are there any smart phones that don't?

Is car insurance really that expensive?

i Ask because i see these Commercials. that say if you switch to this or that company you can save over 500 dollars a year. Well that sounds crazy to Me. Because i own a 4x4 a Sports car and a Motorcycle and i don't even pay 500 a year for all of them. and i am 22 with one wreck and 3 tickets. i pay about 300 a year for all three. Most people i know pay Less then that. so what the heck are these commercials talking about? its no ware near that expensive For Me or anybody else i know. is it just cheap ware i Live? and expensive everywhere else? or do these commercials Lie?

How much more will a smartphone be per month with verizon?

So right now i have the lg env 3, from verizon. My contract is in june and my mom wants to know how much more my bill would be if i were to get the iphone4, how much is the data plan? please help!

How would I conduct a paranormal investigation at my school?

I have many reasons to believe my school is haunted, me, my friends, and my janitor, and my mother have all had encounters that were quite freaky. Me and my friend decided to see if we could but we do not know how and we do not have equipment for a professional investigation so we are going with an iPod 4, our phones, flashlights, and 2 video cameras. So will this be enough to catch anything? We figure yes because we can hear and see stuff with the naked eye and ear. Also would I have to just clear it with the principal?

Why do MTV Challenge Rivals reruns have2 show previews for the next show, giving away who survived the Jungle?

I'm watching a rerun, seeing what I missed, and then they show a commercial for the next week, and it totally gives away who goes home in this episode!!!! Why?! Why?! I am annoyed with you, MTV!!!

What kind of people work at a rehab?

Some like these at the end of this 57 minute video about a SC Rehab: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Nothing else to live for.?

I've given up on life I've completely failed high-school I'm a failure that's What life is all about is high-school I got straight F's my parents hate me I started working out a lot I've achieved my goal 160pounds muscular I've improven my self image to the fullest I can get just about any girl I want until she finds out I have no future. I see my classmates pushing on as I am going nowhere society is ****** people say life is hard for people who have a good education as it is and I don't wanna wind up as a 40year old janitor I'd rather die I've been living a fantasy then reality hit me and I can't take it it's time to die I guess this is my last approach for help before I tie a gardening hose around my neck

Are Nike Free Run + shoes worth it?

My dad is turning 45 this August and he has been complaining about his shoes being too heavy (even though they're very light) and I was thinking about getting him a pair of Nike Free Run + shoes for his birthday. But he doesn't really run a lot, he is still on his feet a lot because he is a full time janitor. He is on his feet about 8 hours a day and I was wondering if the Free Runs would be good for him, even though he wouldn't be running in them. I tried the Free Runs on and walked in them for a couple hours and they killed my feet, but maybe they would be good for him? Please help!

Can i use my phone in Sweden? or they don't have cell service?

I am going to Stockholm, Sweden very soon and I have Verizon wireless specifically a env 3 and my mom and my friends think I won't have cell service so can I use my phone in sweden? or do I have to pay a fee for to use it? btw I dnt want to pay tht fee but best answer 10 points!!

Is there any wayto get out of a verizon contract early?

I have a env touch and I hate it! I want an android phone but my parents wouldn't get me one ( stupid data charges.) and we still have about a little more than a year on our contract. I was looking at virgin mobile and they have really good plans and a decent phone ( samsung intercept) I'd like to know if I could just cancel my line and port my number to VM without paying cancilation fees ? I'd really like this phone for my birthday on may 25th..

Can someone give me the name of this movie?

I posted this question earlier but now I have more info. A janitor or someone working in a building stumbles upon a box full of old therapy tapes. The movie focuses on what is said in the tapes. 10 pts. for the right answer!

If injured on the job...and the person is a third party who injured you...can you sue them too?

i was injured at work...besides working compensation,can i sue my job for damages.also the reason why i was injured is because the janitor that works at night that works at my job to clean the store at night waxed the floor but left it unattended and with no c aution tape.the janitor works for another company.can i sue the janitorial company too

The creepy janitor may be hitting on me, what should I do?

He might not be dangerous but he is definitely behaving inappropriately. Just to be on the safe side, you should let someone in charge know . Describe it just as you have here and see what they think.

Who's better out of these 4 players?

The Janitor (aka Brian Cardinal), Brian Scalabrine, Adam Morrison or DJ Mbenga? Which of these 4 NBA legends is the best?

How do I put a lock on my phone?

Okay so, I have the enV touch and my mom found it at her work and nobody claimed it so she gave it to me, And I don't knw the last for digets of the phone from before. So when I go to put a lock it says" enter the last 4 digets of your phone number" But I don't know the last persons phonw number. How could i do a lock?

Dare env touch or chocolate touch phone and bill?

I want to get one of these phones. What's easiest to use and which one will stand up to wear an tear well? Also what ones don't need a data package? Because they took them off of them but I wasn't sure. Thanks

Hi! Could you please help me find a movie about a frontal lobe brain injury.?

There is a film I saw long time ago about a teenager who suffered an accident (I am not very sure), but the fact is that he had a frontal lobe injury. The film is about his life an his implication in a robbery at the bank where he was working as a janitor during the night. Please help me find the title...

I am 47 years old and my mother and father still treat me like a child?

dude she was looking at you like afreak because what your dad did isnt all...thats messed up...just move out...seriously go to a friends house

What is this hair dye called?

My mom told me about this new hair dye / hi lighting product that she saw a commercial for on tv. She said you put spacers where you want the hi lights and apply the dye with this "sponge thing" and the dye dries instantly. I tried looking on the hair color sites that I could think of but nothing..

The name of a book of fiction where a family is on the run from the law because the son murders a young man?

who harmed his sister. The father was a janitor and they traveled through the badlands in the dakotas.

Could I offer a group health policy or commercial insurance for members of street gangs and cartels?

I know in this day and age in the political world everyone is supporting illegal aliens and illegal activity... i'm licensed to sell insurance so i want to offer a policy to gang members where they can have rights too. They are people too and i'm tired of the mean conervatives treating them like second class citizens. I believe i can form an insurance policy with the proper backing to support them after say a shooting where they are incapacitated and this will supply them money for hospital bills, and also offer compensation for lost wages from an interruption in drug deals, etc. Would this be welcomed by the democrat party?

Can I use my Qwerty Keyboard on my phone as the keyboard for my MacBook?

Can you borrow a USB keyboard from someone? Any keyboard will work. As for the phone, I doubt it. If it was a smart phone (android, iPhone) then you could.

I have a question about 'The Shining'.?

so... at the end... when they show the picture of Jack Nicholson in the hotel like YEARS back. and when the ghost says "There's only been one janitor and i've always been here". so its implying that Jack Nicholson has always been the janitor... though, the end with the picture i REALLY dont understand. thanks -x-

Fox8 slide commercial song name?

in the slide promo commerical theres a dubstep/techno remix of the song 'i need your lovin' by Marc Et Claude, i cant find the excact remix ANYWHERE does anyone know what its called?! please!

I'm wondering if anyone knows the music that is used in the tech net auto repair commercial?

Do you fancy finding the ad online (YouTube?) and posting a link so we can listen to it? Or do you expect us to spend ages searching for it?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Communism, is it that bad?

In communism, nobody owns anything although they claim the people own everything. How do you collectively own your home? You work hard and get no more than what you need. In other words, forget about shopping for the next new techy innovation. Forget about looking for a better job to improve your lot in life. It will be illegal. You'll have no rights and no person hood. You are one of many and will never become anything more. Think of an ant colony.

Early Termination Fee for Verizon?

If the fee is $175 then that's a flat rate, not monthly. Once you terminate, that account is no longer with Verizon so they can't charge you monthly. The only way out of paying that fee is to wait until your contract ends.

Can you get an upgrade if the EnV touch randomly resets itself and decides to be idiotic?

I purchased an EnV touch probably in Febuary of 2010. The screen decided to randomly turn off about every day. It also turns off when I click in the web browser to search the web and when I use some "applications." The screen also freezes up and turns white and sometimes green. Sometimes the touch screen doesn't even work. Is it possible to get an upgrade/ a refurbished phone without purchasing a 2 year contract? My plan is with my parents and they prefer not to change our plan and I would like not to spend $400 or so for a phone.

Don't you feel for Jeremy Hunt Tory MP, Culture, Media and Sport Secretary of State- he is only obeying orders?

News report: The takeover of the whole of BSkyB will give News Corp control of 50% of the British commercial media and Rupert Murdoch, already an incredibly powerful figure in British public life - even more influence over politics.

Help! Tech stolen and need to replace. How do I choose? and are great for coupons and coupon codes. Other than that, I'm not sure how much I can help you :( good luck though!

Can anyone be educated to any level?

Take someone who is a doctor right now, and someone who is a janitor. Did they have the same chance starting out? Could the janitor have been educated to the level of the doctor, provided the right circumstances? Or are some people just wired differently?

How can my husband leave his unit?

My husband wants to leave his unit he got an article 15 before for cussing when he was accused of doing something he didn't do and physically threatened . He planned on leaving as soon as his contract is up to go to a new unit but he has to wait until his contract and the punishment from the first article 15 is up, also he is currently deployed so he thinks he can't leave mid deployment. When his unit found out he wanted to leave they have basically treated him like a janitor and when he went to bed one night after taking out the trash a leader who used to be his same rank but was promoted yelled at him about taking the trash out. when my husband said he already did the other person said there is trash in it again and my husband said that it is a trash can and it will keep getting trash in it, so he got another article 15. I told my husband he just needs to do what they say and don't say anything back and he said he will try but he's worried that they might kick him out of the army. He really just wants to go to a new unit. He's done everything they've asked him to do and his contract is almost up but it seems like they would rather get him out of the army then have him transfer, this is not the first person in his unit this has happened to. Honestly the leadership in this unit consists of very young guys and honestly I feel like they abuse their power just because they can. I really just want him to get to a new unit and start over new. I am a college graduate and I'm putting my life on hold for him so that he can get to a new unit and we can settle in there but I'm really worried. I don't know what our future holds if he is kicked out. I need some real advice. I know my husband made some mistakes I don't need to hear what's wrong with him I just need to know how we can move on from this. please help us!

Should I go back and work there again?

So I'm assuming your a guy. Listen, if you felt chemistry, then by all means, go for it. The worst that can happen is that he doesn't feel the same way, just make sure he plays for the same team! Remember there's a million fish in the sea, if it doesn't work out, then God didn't want it to be and your soul mate is still somewhere out there searching for you. Good luck, hope this helps

Is it legal under "European Union Law", or any law for that matter to charge for toilets in a restaurant?

I do not know but it makes sense to charge because I've only seen pay toilets in areas with heavy tourist action and or homeless people. Why should you pay more to eat at a restaurant or buy goods at a store because tourists and homeless people only go in there to use the toilet? Yes businesses are public places but they don't exist solely so people can use the restroom.

Verizon LG enV Touch Keeps Resetting Itself?

I've had it for a year and a half and for the past about 8 months it keeps shutting off randomly and when it turns back on, it resets to the default settings. My upgrade is in July and I was wondering if there was some way I could get my upgrade early or something along these lines for a defective phone.

Can I get a cheaper phone and replace my broken phone on Verizon if I have insurance?

I have an LG EnV 3. My phone has water damage. I do have insurance on the phone, but a replacement for it is too expensive. Can I buy a cheaper phone on the website, or anywhere else, and use it as a replacement, and if so how would I go about doing that?

Girlfriends teenage son stole my cologne, lied about taking it, should I be upset?

he's a little bratty theif(bet he's an only child) tell ur girlfriend...let her handle it....and have a nice long chat about respect and ground him from his ps3 or computer or something that he find it in front of him in the living room or something so that he will learn his lesson(:

I'm in love with a man twice my age...should I go back and see him again?

True love has no boundaries. If you feel that this is something you must pursue----to follow your heart----then do it, because love is ageless.

Terry Schaivo vs. Jack Kevorkain?

It's like the old saying "They shoot horses, don't they." But it's all about the law, that which I see many people debating over here on Y!A. Same thing with Ramon Sampedro who at age 20, broke his neck diving into a shallow area of the ocean. After 30 years, he wanted to die with dignity. But the law wouldn't allow him to. So maybe you should become a lobbyist.

Should i buy the droid charge or wait for the samsung galaxy s2?

my current phone, the env touch, is basically dead. i will need a new phone soon but i dont know if i should (or can) wait for the highly anticipated galaxy s2 or if i should go with the droid charge. i really want to move into my first smart phone after being stuck with this for 3 years. i could really use some advice because if i do the droid charge i will be with it for 2 years and if i want the S2 i will have to wait till Q3 maybe longer (due to living in the USA) thanks in advance.

Where can i find 30 second commercial scripts?

okay, so im in acting class and i need to have a commercial memorized by my next class. any ideas of where i can find a commerical?

Droid Internet Questions?

Okay, so I currently have an enV touch with a $10 a month data package. I may sell my XBOX to buy a DROID without a plan from someone. Can I use my $10 monthly package with a DROID if I buy one without a plan? Also, can I shut the internet off when I want so I don't use the data? I have wifi in most places.

Is there any point of self-studying for AP's senior year..?

I don't think self-studying will reflect a good college-level knowledge so I would say that it's not worth it. Skipping the class in college and taking higher level courses may show your lack of understanding in the basic classes for college that you skipped by taking the AP exam.

What should I put on a job application if I want to work full time during the summer and part time during scho?

Yes, include your previous work on your application. Mark both full-time and part-time on the application. Worry about what you are going to do when school starts after you get the job. Most employers will be very understanding.

What should i do with the enV 2?

my phone broke and my friend gave me an enV 2 from Verizon to activate as my own. when i tried, they said that the phone was still activated as somebody elses, after all this time. i tried contacting the person, but i couldnt reach them. what should i do?

What are good Verizon phones?

I want a touch-screen phone. One with a QWERTY keyboard that slides. I was thinking of the EnV Touch but I would prefer a phone that slides. I currently have the Alias 2. And it cannot be a smart phone. Thanks for suggestions

What to do if i lost a textbook and my mom won`t pay for it?

Hi. About 2-3 weeks ago. I lost a textbook and have been looking EVERYWHERE for it. I checked the hall floors, with the janitor, the library and all my classrooms and home. I told my mom she needs to pay for a replacement one which is 85.00$. She won`t pay for it and says she is going to talk to the office or my social teacher. I also told her if they find my textbook they will refund the money back to her and yet she still says no. i don`t know what to do now since she won`t pay for it and my final exam for social is monday and that is when we need to hand them in. :( Please help???


well dude, APUSH is not that hard, its just a ton of work. reading everyday, even weekends. so if your a good reader, then you should go for it, if your thinking of going to UF, then you have a lot more tougher classes, and youll need to learn to manage your time, so i would say to take the class to help you get more experienced with AP work and if you do well enough, you wont have to take History in college since ofcourse its required before youll start doing stuff concerning your major. Go for it and take the class, its a lot of fun (if your into learning americas history in all that) the more AP classes the better your college resume will look. good look on your AP classes dude, try your hardest, manage your time, and im sure youll do well.

How can I work with energy?

a href="" rel="nofollow" is currently giving away free ebook downloads of the uncommonly informative first edition of Astral Dynamics (see a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a for reviews). This is top-notch projection material and includes a very substantial practical energy work section that teaches you step by step how to actually feel energy. The site itself will set your commercial hype sensors firing immediately, but ignore the sales push as best you can, just go straight for the download.

How do i block numbers on my verizon lg env touch. I am tired of having to click ignore everytime an unwanted ?

can sum1 plz tell me how to block numbers on my phone! I am tired of clicking ignore all the time. Its annoying when i can just block them from calling me in the 1st place

Where can you buy Mountain Dew: Pitch Black that just came back?

saw a bunch of commercials for Mt. Dew's Pitch Black drink...I'm a soda aficionado; It's really good they've brought it back once before... just havent seen it in stock at anyplace. Anyone seen it yet?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Help! i have an alligator lizard, and i just found eggs that she laid! how do i help her hatch them!?!?!?!?!?

so, my janitors found an alligator lizard at school 2 months ago, and ive been feeding her crickets, and when i got her, she looked pregnant, but no one cared! now, ive found 7 eggs, and im wondering how to help her hatch them. please!!!! im really confused, and im so sad, cuz i dont want them to die!!!!! help! help! help!

I don't know how to ask this but i'm a?

Well, if it does, would you really want a guy so judgmental? Try to get to know him at least before you start letting him know you like him that way. Since it'll just make things awkward.

Strange nostalgia for the 50's and 60's?

This may seem kinda weird, but whenever I see something from the 50's or 60's, like a commercial for Brylcreem or a '56 Buick or something like so, I get nostalgia like crazy. I was born in the 90's. Is it normal??

Can anyone name this commercial?

this commerical was on about a year or two ago and features a man and a woman who look like they are spending the whole day together. however, at the end of the commercial they both go to bed look like they are facing one another but really have been communicating through a laptop webcam. some certain scenes i can remember from this was of them looking like they are brushing their teeth while standing next to each other... HELP. automatic 10 points if u can help me out :)

What was this dream all about? sorry its so long, but plz read?

well it seems like you may have inner anger issues with people or maby you watch too many video games haha the cuts on your fingers maby like you've been trying to do something so much that its hurting you... But i defenetly think you have anger issues if your suddenly punching up randoms.... I have thoughts of anger and punching something so hard and just screaming but i am not an angry person at all and (apparently ) one of those shy nice sweet girls soo yeh i think that maby it

How do i download songs into my lg env touch?

the first time i downloaded song for my lg env touch it worked i downloaded the songs from media center but the second time it didnt want to download the songs from media center. when i went to media center it just said no device detected. Why wont it let me download songs onto my phone?

Where can I buy the enV Touch in southern california?

I really like the enV Touch Verizon phone (so please don't give me other phone options) and it is discontinued!! I tried the verizon store, tried costco, tried bestbuy but they all don't sell it!! I really want to buy it IN A STORE so online is my last option. If someone could answer this it would be very helpful!!

How can I switch back to my old Verizon phone?

I have the Reality right now and i don't like it at all so I want to switch back to my previous phone (EnV 3) Can I do this online? If so, can you give me all the steps. I live far from a verizon store and don't get out that way often..

What's the name of this rock song?

I'm not sure on the lyrics but the hook sounds like this "turn me up a turn me up a turn me up" and then some wordless singing, it was used in a car commercial a few years ago.

What is the name of the funny feminist on youtube?

I think her name starts with an "S" but I'm not sure. She does skits on how commercials portray men as impotent without women (i.e. to make their food, do their laundry, etc.)

How to download music from my pc to my lg env touch?

i plug it in and it just makes a noise like when you plug in an ipod and stuff and then nothing happens i look in my computer to the removable disks and stuff and theres nothing there about my phone i have tons of songs on my pc hard drive i just want to convert them over to my phone like any other music device

Can text messages say they were received when they weren't?

I have a verizon phone that shows the little checkbox to indicate if a message was received by someone. Is it possible that the box will be checked when the recipient didn't actually get my text? I have a used enV 3. Thanks

I'm in love with him...should I go back and see him again?

omg! that is the cutest thing!:) and i think you should go back and talk to him and become friends and try to get to know him and if you get your gay vibes from him then try a little harder lol. my girlfriend and i got together that way too. i persued her and i found out that she was trying to persue me and now we are happyly together:) hehe. and hey you are young and almost an adult and he might end up liking you and yall might end up together:) hehe i hope so cause you seem like you are in love:) hehe good luck honey!:)

Want name of older movie where a HS principal in small Texas town falls in love with Hispanic Janitor?

This movie is a very good movie regarding the prejudices of people. Principal is a woman who suffers reprocussions because she marries the hispanic janitor of the high school where she works. But love conquers all in the end. I can't remember the name of it and would like to buy it. Any help would be appreciated

Does Everything transfer from the LG ENV to the iphone4? (Verizon)?

I was just curious if everything transfers when you switch from a regular phone to the Iphone 4? I will be going in tomorrow to get the iphone and don't want to end up finding out all my photos and contacts will be stuck on my LG ENV. If anyone knows the answer please respond ASAP! otherwise I will be sending all my pictures to my e-mail tonight just to make sure! Thank you

Knowing a janitor who's more liberal and wiser than I, is it time we stop judging intelligence by college?

I know people who labor who are fools and ones who are wise, and as a college educated person, I know plenty of fools and plenty of wise college grads.

Commercial banks that gives loans for college?

does anyone know any trusted commercial bank that gives private loans for international student to pay for college ? in England ?? please help !

Interview Question: If you were any tool in the janitor's toolkit, what would it be?

stupid Question - must be an interview Q for google or some other IT that looks for creative people - say something like , you would be the box, since you already know how to use all of the tools in the kit,

Can i get fired for this?

i made comment which to me seem friendly the mall work at they posted a job listing on there facebook page about hiring a food court supervisor. all commented on is i asked them why and all i said was in my opinion i don't see why we need one when we already have one technically but can they fire me for asking why they need one since im a food court janitor/maintenance employee can they do anything to me? wouldn't it be stupid they did?

Does the Verizon Wireless Env2 have the same charger then the Lg Cosmos?

I own the cosmos and im thinking about buying a Lg enV 2 and i was wondering if they have the same changer

Wig Off, Wig On Hannah Montana Commercial, can't find?

I'm looking for the video for this Hannah Montana commercial, pretty much the whole video it goes "Wig on, Hannah Montana. Wig off, Miley Cyrus" with some clips of her as Hannah and Miley. Just want this url to prove to somebody that they are the same person, and to tease them at the same time. Thanks :) Link to the right video will get you 10 points ;)

The creepy janitor may be hitting on me, what should I do?

I would just try to avoid him...if he makes you feel uncomfortable, then don't say much to him. If he comes up and talks to you, just give one word answers and he'll eventually stop. But if he starts getting too weird, I would tell the manager or your boss or something.

Aren't Janitors Soooooo Cuuuute?

i dont know why.....but i find them sooooo CUTE !! especially when they're mopping up spills. i love their mops. i wish i can kiss it, Iick it, play with it and gently s.u.c.k it !! and i also love their washbuckets !! they are so cute and you agree?

Malfunctioning phone for no reason? Please help!!?

I have the EnV touch from verizon. I have never caused it any damage. It randomly just started to get a fuzzy screen and go black sometimes? Pleasetel me what's wrong and howi can fix it please? Thanks for answering!!

How to make a commercial like google chromes?

I just saw the Justin Bieber one and I was extremely disappointed. All the other ones brought me to tears and i was expecting this to especially but no where close did i. So is there a program that's free that i can use to recreate this so it is worthy to be a google chrome commercial for beliebers? I DO NOT WANT TO MARKET IT I JUST WANT TO MAKE ONE MYSELF TO SHOW FRIENDS AND I WILL NOT BE USING THE SAME VIDEOS THAT ARE IN THE REAL COMMERCIAL. And please, lets be grown up here and only comment if you can help, not rant to the world about how much you hate him and his fans.

My Verizon phones don't have service.?

My EnV Touch one morning didn't have service AT ALL. I traveled around my whole state and still didn't. Got a new refurbished one, had it for 2 weeks it did the same thing. So now I'm getting another refurbished phone and while I'm waiting for it in the mail I got an older phone activated. This morning that phone has NO service. It's not a tower near me everyone else in my house has service. So it's obvious it's not the location or phones I'm using. Is something wrong with my account? What is Verizon going to have to do? I think God wants me to never have a phone!

In a spiritual sense, are all occupations basically equal?

I actually respect janitors a great deal, because I used to clean toilets for a living myself. I consider all people to be equal, regardless of occupation, income, race, gender, sexuality, etc. We are all equal in God's eyes. That's one thing that I want non-believers to understand- they are just as important as Christians.

I had a very weird dream, what does it mean?

I'm going to give you a rational answer. Dreams don't "mean" anything. It's not a prediction for the future or anything, they tend to be reflections and collections of random things you witness during the day. It's a fun dream. Remember it just for the heck of it. I also meet strangers in my dream and they make no sense at all. It means nothing.

Dose anyone know this pizza commercial?

does anyone know the commercial that is about frozen pizza i think or pizza delivery and it has the funny and annoying waitress who is wearing like a whole bunch of buttons on her shirt? If you do know this commercial than do you know what the commercial is for? like what brand of pizza?

Summer locker clean out?

I'm in high school and today is the first day of summer. However, my best friend forgot her bag at my house so on the last day of school I brought it and left it in my locker. She forgot to get it and now all the doors to the school are locked so I cant get in. And this is really important because she had a water bottle of alcohol in it an if its found I'm going to be in so much trouble and it isn't even mine! So my question is when do the janitors usually come in and go through all the lockers to throw things away and will they go into the bag? And when would be the most likely time that the school doors would be open? Please help as soon as possible, I'm really stressed out about this.

What's wrong with my ENV 2?

It won't charge or anything. I think it might be the charge inplug on it that's messed up, or it might be the battery. It stopped working in September or October of last year and I found it maybe a week or two ago, and I really want my old phone back. I have an Alias 2 now, and I love it, but I really want my old ENV 2 back. PLEASE HELP?

What is an embarrassing memory of yours?

Back when i was pregnant when i was just starting to show (around 5 months), my mom took me shopping for some maternity clothes. Well the clothes hanger said the pants were a size 9 but but they were on the wrong hanger and were actually a size 5...well the dressing room i was in the doors automatically shut when you close them, well i put the pants on and the wouldn't go over my butt so i open the door to tell my mom to get me another size and i didn't see her so i stepped out a little farther and the door closed behind me...and just about that time about 5 people walked in the dressing room and i was in the first stall. So they all had to walk by me, i heard snickering as a few was embarassing to me.

Someone help please??? problems with env2 for over a week and i really need a working phone!?

About a week ago I was moving out of my apartment and into a new house and somewhere along the line my enV must've got knocked around too much or something because the inside screen stopped working. So, I decide to buy a new one. I buy an EnV 2. I activate the new phone with my number and it worked for about 20 seconds before it started to freeze up and wouldn't let me push any buttons or do anything for that matter, it just froze. I tried taking the battery out, reprogramming it, tried to do the software update but just froze then too, tried everything it seems like. Nothing worked. So i thought the phone was defective. I returned it to the seller and got a different env 2. This one does the SAME exact thing when I activated it. I took it into verizon and all the lady told me was that it was something to do with facebook and to take facebook mobile off my phone because all the lg phones have been freezing up for the past week because of some glitch. So i was all excited that I finally found my solution, i deactivated my facebook mobile and it STILL does the same thing. Also, to see if the phone was the problem I switched my sisters phone number to mine and put mine on a different one temporarily, and activated hers just fine and it worked on the Env 2 just fine! I put her number back on her phone, tried to activate mine yet another time on the Env 2, and it did the same freeze up thing. I am at wits end trying to figure this out and have been at a loss for a week now. Is there ANYONE out there who knows how to fix this? I don't know what to do. If I got a new number and got rid of my old one would that help at all? I just need this figured out. Thanks in advance for your help!

Can env 3 be verizon prepaid if it was on plan before?

It can be used on the Verizon monthly prepaid plans. It CAN'T be used on the daily/paygo plans because it has a full html browser.

If i belong to Verizone and my contract expires is a new cell cheaper?

My contract expires July 6th 2011 and i wan't the iPhone4 and currently have the CRAPPY enV touch and after my contract expires would i be do for like an upgrade and get the iphone cheaper or not and if not when will i be due for an upgrade and what is an upgrade im very confused i just really wan't the iPhone oh and im not tech. retard i just dont get the whole contract phone upgrade system thing!

Does anyone else find the cinnamon toast crunch commercials disturbing? Also what commercial do u hate?

Cannibalisim is sick they aren't ke$ha cereal. bash any commercials here or talk about the ones u luuuuuuuuv

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Are steam mops good???

I'm thinking about buying a steam mop. I'm a janitor at a preschool and at a dentist office. I want to save more time and money so I just have a few questions. Is it better than a mop? Is it efficient for cleaning large spaces? Can it really sanitize floors?

Will Verizon Wireless get a phone similar to the LG enV Touch?

I really like the env touch and they don't sell it anymore. I was wondering if they maybe would have like the LG Octane Touch or something like that or something totally new.

Ok i want to ditch a class help?

i have a 1st hour class i have a older brother in 12th and the janitor cleans bathroom from 8-9 o clock and i forgot all my stuff in canada if a dont bring em im gettin a f so how can i ditch

What would be a good name for my short story?

So i'm writing a story about two crossed lovers that are in high school.Its just like Romeo and Juliet but it takes place in a high school and Friar Laurence is a janitor in the school.They cant be together because their mom's are old high school rivals.So any ideas on a name for the story?

Does anyone know a britain comedy show with these descriptions?

I sounds like the commedianne Gina Yashere. She is quite hilarious, but there are times it the skits where I feel like 'oh,my.'

Can I check the school security cameras because of a stolen ipod?

I left my ipod in my schools band room monday night, and tuesday afternoon I came back and it was gone. The teacher saw it before she left so it could have either been janitors or students who came in the next day. I talked to the students though and they didnt seem like they stole it... most kids in band would probably turn it in... but do you think I would be able to view the tapes? Its also over summer vacation right now so do they even record right now? Oh also who would you think stole my took ipod? Just wanting some opinions. Thank you:}

My verizon env phone text message....?

Sometimes when i get a text message it'll show half a msg then it will have a tiny box with this inside of the box. I'm assuming there is supposed to be more text there but why does that happen?

What is the medical treatment for starvation?

suppose you say.... got accidentally locked in a bathroom or a janitor's closet for 2 weeks somewhere where you could get ample liquid from a sink but had no source of food what so ever (got that I'm not talking about malnutrition this is total starvation) presumably when they found you after 16 days (I'm adding the week end on to the final week) you would be pretty weak and they'd call an ambulance and send you to a hospital....where they would do what for you exactly? do they just start giving you food again or is it more complicated then that?

Does the LG ENV TOUCH have a light that flashes when you recieve a multi-media message?

im getting a used phone off ebay because i broke my old phone and i was wondering if the LG ENV TOUCH has a light on the front outer part that lights up when you recieve a text or picture or video message.

Yes or No to touch your private parts?

Let's say you were in a school and you were supposed to get a mop for your spilled water but the mop was in the boys comfort room and no guy would get the mop cuz it's not break time and the janitor is taking a break then assuming no ones in, you entered the boys cr and locked the door so that no one would enter then you get the mop and head to the door and then you see that the door cannot open it was stuck you try all your best to open it but it won't budge so you just sit there waiting for someone then you suddenly notice there was a guy inside then he goes out and ask why are you in here blah blah blah then you say it's lock then you both sit there waiting for someone and you kinda feel he was touching you and notice you that you felt it and ask can I? What would you do? Say yes or no?

Does this sound like a fairytale??? do you think we will last?

alright so i've been dating this guy for 8 and 3/4 months right?? and then i took a break with him one day... during school.. but it didn't really work out because we ended up kissing in the janitor's closet @ school lol... and then i broke up with him about a week ago because we just fought sooo dang much... and then we started texting... we both knew we still loved eachother.. not LIKE... but LOVE... big difference... and then he told me he was going to vacation in missouri... I LIVE IN FREAKING MINNESOTA and wudnt see him for a whole other week... and we were still single... so i made a lie and told him that i was going to a modeling audition (im a model btw) and that i got him a gift... i told him i dropped him off at his house on my way there... i called him on my way to his house... but he didn't know that i was going to secretly come over to his house... so while i was on the phone i told him i hid the gift in the corner of his garge... he turned around on the fone and said that it wasnt there.. and saw me... then i said "i had to say goodbye" then we hugged... and talked a little.. then we kissed... bst kiss ever btw.. and then he asked me out again... we both promsed... no matter wat... to not fight so much and to stay together forver. fairytale? will we last? also for valentines day we were in a hotel for a basketball tournament and then i hear a random knock on my door and there's my boyfriend with a card, the manager, and the boss of the hotel... the boss was holding a plate with a silver thing over it..and the manager had 24 pink n red roses... and then i opened the silver hting and there was a whilte gold bracelet and engraved was "elizabeth". my name haha.

What is the difference between a algae eater and a janitor fish?

I bought a janitor fish to clean my tank and saw another fish. I asked the people that is it another janitor fish and said no. He said it was algae eater but they look exactly the same to me. The only difference was their color. Is there any difference and if there are which is more better at cleaning tanks.

What is the name of this song?

its a guy singer.. it could be usher or chris brown or someone but it goes.... "put your hands up".. then it kinda cuts off and then: "and they say yeah.." its also on the zookeeper commercial..

With government spending out of control, was this an important news story?

How dare you bring up this distraction when everyone knows you want to kill grandma and Feinstein is just trying to stop you, you granny killer you.

Which Phone is better? Env Touch or My Touch?

My friend is getting me mad. Apparently she is better at softball (She never played i do) Shes better at catching (um no) And know she has a better phone. I have an Env Touch she has a my touch Both nice phones but i think mines better to be honest.

Does any one know about a portable car ac device?

i saw a commercial with this couple driving in a car, the woman complains its too hot and the guy says he has the air up all the way then they say they have this product, i cant remember for the life of me what it was called, but the end of the commercial the woman says its too cold. lol does anyone know what im talking about or what the name of this product is id really appreciate it.

Will the Droid 3 be a warranty replacement for the Droid 2?

The droid 3 is coming out soon and I am wondering if Verizon will offer the Droid 3 as a warranty replacement for people with the droid 2. I know currently that, that is how it is for droid 1 users to get droid 2's. And when I had the Voyager they gave me the enV Touch.

Who are all of the baseball players in the Pepsi Max Commercial?

I know there is Lou Piniella for the Chicago Cubs, Randy Johnson for Arizona Diamondbacks and CC Sabathia for the New York Yankees, but who else is there in the commercial?

When was the last time you said "Don't shoot, I'm just the janitor."?

It didn't work....she still called the cops on me......coming out of the ladies room in handcuffs is just soooo embarrassing

What is this song called?

What is this song called in the Larry Crowne commercial/trailer. toward the end of this video is the song a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Anyone know where the ID number on an LG ENV can be found?

I'm trying to activate one and the verizon website says the number should be under the battery but there's nothing there.

Do Polar Bears Really Drink Coke?

I've been watching some old Coke commercials lately and I noticed the polar bears drink Coke! I mean why would Coke put drinking polar bears in their commercials if it wasnt true. Have you ever seen a coke drinking polar bear?

Should I get the iPhone 4 with the 32GB or the 16GB?

I currently only have the iPod nano and I have just a little over 300 songs on it because I tend to delete songs after I get bored with them. I do like taking pictures but I never record things. I have the EnV Touch and I absolutely hate it and I am now eligible for an upgrade. (thank God) But I know I want an iPhone but i'm just not sure which one woud be best for me because I know that I will be on the Internet all the time and I know i'll get apps but I will most likely delete them once I get bored with them. I don't like my phone to be cluttered with useless things. So, any help? Thanks :)

What is the name of the SF movie?

You must mean "Left Behind". It stars Kirk Cameron and the movie shows what would happen in the Rapture.

The name of a book of fiction where a family is on the run from the law because the son murders a young man?

who harmed his sister. The father was a janitor and they traveled through the badlands in the dakotas.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Where can i get a phone that flips both on the side and on the top?

i want a phone that has a QWERTY keyboard which flips on both the top (like the Samsung Haven) , and on the side (like the LG enV ). other things don't really matter. thanks.

My env touch will send messages but it says people arnt reciving them?

it will send messages but the little check mark will say it hasnt gone through yet it dose this avery few hours how do i fix this

Have you ever been on TV, a movie, commercial or anything television?

I was an Extra in the movie John Tucker must die. I was always walking up and down the halls in the school looking casual. My brother was once interviewed on local news about his thoughts on local city ordinances or something like that a couple years ago. What about you?

Is being a janitor a good job?

How much money an hour, preferrably in a school or hospital, and do you have to go to school or get a license to do so?

Fanfiction Promotion?

I was wondering if anyone was willing to read, review, and critique each chapter of my fanfiction: Soul Reaping Janitor of the Justice League a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a I would really appreciate it :)

Is P90X worth buying?

Im actually in decent shape but i want to pursue further into my bodys fitness and i watched the whole hour infomercial one night and it realllyy looks like it works , but iv been taught not to trust commercials like that . So if any of yall know if its good or not please let me know!

I want to become an actress in Boston, how do I start?

I am 15 years old and I really want to be an actress. I live in Boston, MA and my mom isn't willing to travel to another state or anything like that. I took an acting class as an elective in freshman year, now it's summer vacation and im going into renaissance acting for sophomore year next year (I hope that counts as experience) I need an agent but I don't know what is real and what is a scam. My mom also doesnt want to pay a lot of money for an acting class. just being in a commercial sounds good for starters. thanks and if anyone has anything to help that would be aweome

I need a cheap phone plan that I can't find!?

I need a really cheap phone plan so i can at least text more then a few times a month. I got a stupid tracphone, but the minutes are never enough to even hold a conversation. So i was thinking about straight talk. 30 dollars a month for 1000 talk and text sounds pretty cool. But, I saw something on a commercial about something about 20 dollars. And I'm like wha? So I googled. Nothing came up. Does anyone know anything cheap that i could possibly afford? It'd really help though :)

Do beats by dre sound different on different devices?

do they sound better on an ipod then an env touch? you know does the sound sound the same on everything

Could my parents sue Lipozene?

Its a diet pill my mom has been taking shes been taking it for a few months. yes she lost weight, but now shes having bad digestive problems and liver problems. Apparently its from the Pill. So i looked up there site and commercial and they never said anything about side effects. But doctors tested and said thats what did it. Can we press charges?

Help!!! I'm scared of little girls?

It may sound crazy! but ever since I can remember I'm scared of lil gals aged between 2-5.They scare the hell out of me!! yesterday I was sitting at my sis house,then her 3 yo lil monster sneaked into the room and said 'boo!' I almost had a panic attack! I don't know what to do with my situation.I don't want to get married and have kids coz I'm afraid that my wife will give birth to a gal.All of my sis n brothers have daughters,genetics I I'm jobless and my brother is asking me to work as a janitor for the local kindergarten...I need a job very badly but I don't want to eaten by lil gals.Plzz help:(((((( P.S:I'm a 26 yo guy

Which cell phone should I get?

I am about to get an upgrade for my phone.. and I am stuck between three that I like, I have heard bad and good things about them and I have read a whole bunch of different things... My first choice is the LG Cosmos. I have liked this phone from the first time I saw it but I heard it has a short battery life. my second choice is the Pantech Jest i like it and its cute, I havent heard anything about this phone and it won't let me read anything about it.... But it is a cute little phone. My third choice is the enV3 my friend has it and i like it and i have had the enV2 which always turned off on me and right now the enV touch which I dont like so I dont know if I should take another chance with the enVs. I am looking for a phone I can text on alot.... and that wont break down on me quickly..

Touch Screen Phone w\ full QWERTY from at&t?

Hey, I need a touch screen phone then you can be able to flip it open and have a full keyboard and another screen. I'm looking for one just like the env touch from verizon wireless, but I need it from at&t. It would look like the Pantech Impact but with a full touch screen instead of just a dial pad. , or whatever you call it. I have heard about like the xenon and that would be my second choice but i would much rather have another screen! any help?????

What phone should i get, or am i best staying with the one i have.?

I currently have a straight talk phone where i pay close to 50 per month for Unlimited talk/txt/data except the internet/data sucks but it's not really important since i don't really use it. and i just got an EnV Touch from a friend and when i went to go activate it Verizon says the lowest plan where i can have Unlimited txt on it is one where i pay 65 dollars a month not counting tax which i really don't want especially since it cost me cheaper to stick with my current phone and i will basically get the same coverage since Straight Talk works with Verizon or something. Another option is to activate the Touch on Cricket which offer 50 dollars for Unlimited every thing which i think is really good idea since ill have a better phone and be paying the same price for service. But i don't know if cricket has good service. So i'm thinking about getting a totally new phone this summer but i don't know what to choose basically i know its going to be an android smart phone but the provider is what i don't know who to choose. its between AT&T and T Mobil. one thing i would like y'all to consider is that since AT&T bought T Mobil, is going to ,maybe?. how will that affect me in the future and i don't really like to change phones much cause i don't really have much money to spend and when i do i would like it not to be on a new phone so i want to know whats my best most secure move to make. also i would like the service to be prepaid no contracts and really talk doesn't matter just the txt and internet since i txt and internet is an important thing in smart phones so wifi compatible is preferred while, a prepaid data plan is also good

Can anyone be educated to any level?

Take someone who is a doctor right now, and someone who is a janitor. Did they have the same chance starting out? Could the janitor have been educated to the level of the doctor, provided the right circumstances? Or are some people just wired differently?

Can i turn a env phone into a prepaid?

my friend gave me her old env1 phone. i was wondering if i could put my prepaid account of her phone and use it. is it possible?

I'm looking for a phone?

i'm 17 and my env 3 is falling apart so i'm looking to get a new phone. i want a phone that is good for texting (qwerty keyboard) and doesn't shut off randomly like the env 3. i don't care about internet or anything i just want a phone that i can text on. know any verizon phones that you would recommend?

What kind of jobs can a high school drop out get?

Jobs that somebody in high school that hasn't yet graduated could get. But from an economic standpoint with unemployment so high, employers have a broad variety of employees to chose from. The current dropout rate of U.S. high schools is 29%. So if the job you are trying to get hired for has 2 other people being interviewed, chances are you are the only one who has dropped out of high school. What looks better to an employer? high school or no high school?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Can i still go to a talent agency without any experience ?

Does it matter if i've had any theatrical experience if i want to go find an agent to pursue acting in films commercials and television shows ? There r no community theaters where i live and no type of drama club at the school i go to. So would a resume with nothing but headshots be ok ?

Phone and computer won't connect?

I have an EnV touch from verizon wireless, and when I try to hook it up to my computer so I can add music, it won't connect. It has worked many times before, so I don't know why it isn't working now. When hooked up, my phone says it's connected to the computer and that it's charging, but when I go to sync it just endlessly says it's connecting. In windows media player, I'm in the sync tab. Yet nothing ever comes up. I've tried refreshing the devices many times.